Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Star Wars:Restitution

Star Wars: Restitution

The planet of CAAMAS is no longer. Fleeing from the forces of the Empire, Caamasi refugees have flooded into neighboring systems including the
planet ALDERAAN.

Close partners since their days as founders of the GALACTIC REPUBLIC, the Alderaanians welcome the refugees with open arms, as they have done with those of many other worlds during the Clone Wars.

Meanwhile, the mysterious LORD QWAKESH seeks out a single ship among the refugees of Caamas. Minutes after fleeing the planet's destruction, bounties for the renegade Jedi NIK VAR and KAYLEIA have appeared across the Holonet, along with prizes for any known associates.

The starship MING MENG hurtles toward the Alderaan system, not knowing what lies in wait for them...


Using their adroit piloting skills, the crew of the MING MENG exited hyperspace in between the Alderaan and Caamas systems. Floating in deep space, Akis Gorda and Nik Var dealt with the Imperial tracker droid. Using the Force, Nik sent the droid spinning through the void toward Alderaan while it shot it's tiny blasters aimlessly in retaliation. No one was hurt.

After some discussion, the heroes decided to continue to Alderaan on the advice of Captain Daytola. There, they might find those sympathetic to the Jedi cause. They briefly modified their transponder ID to change the ship's identity to "The Bothan Straight"

Using a series of precise microjumps, the Ming Meng exited orbit on the far side of Alderaan, placing the planet between them and the horde of refugees from Caamas. Receiving planetary datafeeds, they realized that a large bounty had been posted on all of them, 20,000 for the two Jedi alive, and 5,000 for the rest, dead.

Guided by planetary control, the Ming Meng landed in the Alderaanian refugee camp of Palpatine City. There they were met by Count Marcedes Danderful, a political ally of Senator Bail Organa. Danderful communicated Alderaan's interest in opposing the Empire, and promised aid in the form of military weapons and cash, in return for certain deeds done. He implied that the Jedi should investigate a certain Imperial listening post on an Outer Rim if they were looking for more of their kind.

Due to Alderaan's disarmament program in the wake of the Clone Wars, weapons on the black market were cheap and plentiful.

After purchasing equipment, including a brand new R2 Astromech unit, the heroes were suddenly ambushed by sniper fire!

Originating from a belltower atop a church converted into a warehouse, the heroes could do nothing but take cover. Cresada charged toward the church, only to stop dead in her tracks as a Droideka unit unspooled in front of her and let fly with twin repeating blaster cannons.

The shielded droid and sniper fire proved almost overwhelming for the heroes until the Bothan landed a lucky shot on the Droideka's shield generators. Taking advantage of the pause, Kayleia summoned the force and hurled the unlucky droid into a nearby community theater, destroying it and the local arts center.

Meanwhile, Nik Var snuck into the back of the church, where she was ambushed by yet another assassin droid. Equipped with vibroblades, a holographic disguiser and a silence bubble generator, the variant model Droideka Assassin was a formidable opponent, vanishing into thin air after being attacked.

The other heroes followed. Cresada leaped onto the catwalks above to take advantage of the high ground, while the others rushed to attack. They were caught off guard by the Droideka Assassin, and a unit designated HK77 emerged from the bell tower above, raining hot blaster bolts down with devastating accuracy.

Unphased by the attack, Nik Var deflected HK77's shots and cut the droid in two. The droid cursed at her in Huttese until forcibly disabled. Meanwhile, the Droideka Assassin vanished, realizing the odds had turned against it.

The heroes had an unsettling feeling that these droid assassins would not be the last bounty hunters sent after them. The unmistakably slimey hand of Hutt was involved.


There are several mistakes/things I overlooked during the game that you should be aware of.

-Using Move Object and Convection are sustainable as swift action. This means by spending a swift action (Every round consists of a swift action, move action and standard action), you can continue using the force power on the same target by rolling a successful Use The Force check. If you are damaged, you must roll UTF against 15+damage taken to sustain the power.
IE, if you kill someone with move object, you can continue battering his friends with the corpse. Morbid, but efficient.
-The range of Move Object is 12 squares, not 6 (See Errata)

-Move Object has maximum damage based on the size of the object thrown. That means hurling a medium sized enemy won't do more than 2d6 damage, to do 8d6 damage, you need to hit him in the face with a TIE fighter.
-This is obviously balanced by the fact that you can do it again and again, as noted above.

-Convection is by the rules, only to be used by unarmed attacks, not lightsaber attacks. I will allow it to be used for lightsaber attacks now, until such time it becomes evidently horribly too powerful. If that is so, you can switch Convection out for something else.

-Someone rolled a nat 20 on a Use The Force check. I forgot that this means all force powers you've used are automatically returned to your suite. (That means you may reuse any Force Powers you've used in a combat)

-You can spend a force point to regain a power you've already used.

-You may atone from the Darkside by spending Force Points, one for every darkside point gained. This means that using Dark-Side powers is not a certain journey to the darkside, allowing you to emulate the darker Jedi such as Mace Windu and Quinlan Vos. Killing people and similarly evil acts are generally not as easy to atone for, as generally you earn many more dark side points.

Also some advice
-One of you should name the R2 Unit and write down it's statistics. These would be under the droids section in the main book.
-Please take note of your powers, feats, and abilities, and the surrounding rules, otherwise I might overlook something, and as above, your character might wind up much weaker than it should/dead.
-Once you guys hit 5th level, you will no longer be leveling once every session. This means several things, like rationing Force Points becomes much more important.

You increase according to your class:

-Hitpoints (Jedi and Soldiers 1d10+con, Scoundrels and Nobles 1d6+con, Scouts 1d8+con)
-Base Attack Bonus (Jedi and Soldiers = Level/1, Everyone Else = Level*.75 round down)
-Pick 1 Talent every odd level. If you are Force Sensitive, you may also select from the Force Talent Trees on page 101, as well as talents from your class.
-Pick 1 Bonus Feat every even level (Must be on your class list of "Bonus Feats")
If you are changing to a different class, IE Multiclassing:
Defenses: Lay out your class defense bonuses, and pick the highest one for each score. For example, if your are a Scoundrel/Jedi, then your total bonus to defense is
Fort +1 (Jedi +1/Scoundrel +0)
Ref +2 (Jedi +1/ Scoundrel +2)
Will +1 (Jedi +1/Scoundrel +1)

Skills: You do not gain any new trained skills, however your list of class skills expands to include the new class. You can pick up these skills with the Skill Training Feat

Starting Feats: You pick ONE starting feat from the new classes' list of starting feats

Also just for leveling:
Your Defense Increases by +1 Every Level
Your Skills Increase by +1 Every Even Level (Initiative is a skill)
Your Damage Increases by +1 Every Even Level
You pick a Feat every level divisible by 3 (Doesn't have to be on your Class's list of "Bonus Feats")
Increase two ability scores by +1 every 4th level. (This level!)

Joe, you have 4,000 Credits to spend

-You may now purchase on Alderaan equipment up to Military at cost. Illegal equipment still requires blackmarket access.
-Battle Droids are Illegal on Alderaan, although you could repair the ones you destroyed.