Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Sirius Deception

Star Wars: The Sirius Deception

The trap is sprung! RAIST DEZIEN and the crew of the Ming Meng have now taken control of the pirate vessel, the Blood Wake. After a quick battle against a group of scurvy Feeorins, Nik Var discovers that these pirates are mere soldiers in a much larger pirate fleet.

The Dread Pirate ALISTAIR JAXTER leads a group of slavers known only as the Bloody Fangs. Styled after the privateer captains of the Hyperspace Wars, this ruthless Ubese is merciless to his enemies, generous to his allies, and more vain than an Alsatian shimmer bird.

Alistair Jaxter is the key to gaining access to STATION 509. According to the Feeorins, he has a brisk slave trade deal with the Imperials. It just may be that they would give Captain Jaxter landing clearance should he show up unexpectedly asking for aid...

Discovering 'fan-film' movies that glorify his piratical exploits, former politician AKIS GORDA decides to take on the task of impersonating the Ubese pirate. After hours of reviewing terrible acting, dialogue, and plotlines, Akis is ready for his most challenging role yet: A faceless pimpernel that -only- speaks Ubese.

Better have paid attention to those subtitles..

The Bloody Wake sets course for Station 509 at the heart of Sirius IV, a gas giant covered by fierce electrical storms

The squat and angular Imperial listening post is unremarkable except for the fact that it exists in the eye of a massive, roving electrical storm. The pressures outside the safe zone are enough to crush coal into diamonds. The station itself features a standard landing platform and docking bay, along with all the usual engineering necessities. A tall dorsal fin snakes up from the station's spine, topped by an observation post made necessary by the sensor interference caused by the storm.

After making visual contact, they are hailed by the station manager, Lt. Terrence McFadden of Imperial Intelligence. When questioned as to why they should be allowed to board, Akis replies creatively in broken Ubese. He implies that they have spotted Seperatist forces in system and have captured droids aboard.

Taking the bait, Lt McFadden allows them to board. They are kept on strict watch by four stormtroopers. Akis and Kayleia are taken aside for interrogation.

Shortly after they land, Raist's crew aboard the Ming Meng makes a flyby, simulating a pirate attack. Lt. McFadden is not fooled and opens fire on the Akis and the others. The fight heats up as Cresada reveals her Jedi powers, sending the station into full alert.

The fighting is brief and intense as Nik Var quickly downs the stormtroopers with her lightsaber. Akis and Kayleia manage to lock their guards into the comm room with a blast of force energy and a melted lock.

There is a brief interlude as Akis and Raist access the station's computer systems to look for the logistical data. They realize it is located up along the dorsal station's spine, unconnected to the rest of the computer network. Their access is quickly challenged by an unknown hacker, who uses the station's facilities against them.

Raist and Kayleia race for the turbolift as Akis fights for mainframe access in the hanger comm room. Their progress is suddenly halted by a massive flying, walking tank- an Imperial space trooper. It fires an explosive missile at them, destroying their R2 unit, J4.

Quickly thinking, Akis brings down the turbolift ontop of the spacetrooper. Raist and Kayleia board one of the other turbolifts and race for the top of the station.

Uninhibited by a mere turbolift, the spacetrooper blast the turbolift into oblivion and flies through the shaft to confront Akis. He is stopped by Cresada and Nik, who have fortified a position by the comm room. Missiles fly and explosions rock the station as the spacetrooper tries to harry the Jedi. Unfortunately for him, the ceilings are low. Nik leaps up and slashes through his armored suit, and then unleashes a burst of Force-powered fire through the gash. The trooper inside is engulfed in flames, and perishes as his jetpack sends him uncontrollably careening into one of the station's many yawning abysses.

Meanwhile, Raist and Kayleia arrive at the top of the station. They are confronted by a lone man, the aging Terrence McFadden. Threatening to destroy the station with a deadman's switch if he is killed, he opens fire on the two Jedi. Raist silences him with a stun blast, and he surrenders quickly. The lieutenant is captured and placed in the brig with the pirates captured aboard the Bloody Wake.

The heroes take over the station briefly. Raist transfers the data to the ship while Cresada cases the joint for valuable goods. They come up with a small fortune in quality electronics and salvage.

Their victory is short lived as an angry Alistair Jaxter arrives on his vessel The Scarlet Masque. He demands information on his missing ship, the Bloody Wake. Akis stalls him while the station is set to blow, The crew make it out on the Bloody Wake just in time as the Scarlet Masque destroys the outpost with a devastating broadside to it's external fuel tanks.

Heavily outgunned by the modified Action IV Freighter, which was a small capital ship, Raist and the rest of the crew skim the heart of Sirius IV, where the gravity of the planet's core gives them a significant advantage. Realizing that the Masque had too large of an event horizon, Jaxter launches fighters to pursue.

Sending false sensor data, Akis manages to redirect one of the fighters into the heart of the planet, crushing it with high-pressure gravity. Nik with her sharp shooting skills, manages to down another, discouraging the other pursuers.

After clearing the planet's gravity well, the Bloody Wake makes the jump for Paranell, leaving behind a very angry pirate captain.

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