Friday, May 21, 2010

STAR WARS: Retribution

STAR WARS: Retribution

The last of the Jedi have struck a vital blow to the Empire, stealing valuable logistics data from the hidden intelligence base STATION 509 on the Outer Rim. They have also captured the wily intelligence officer TERRENCE MCFADDEN and kept him alive for questioning.

Armed with this information, resistance fighters can ambush Imperial convoys for much needed supplies, as well as find safe-havens from Imperial patrols.

The crew of the MING MENG and *Cresada's ship* now journey to the agri-cultural planet of PARANELL, where they will meet their patron, LORD MARCEDES DANDERFUL of Alderaan. There they will turn over the information for payment, and processing.

While in hyperspace, the Jedi question Lt. McFadden to the best of their abilities. To their knowledge, he seems to be a reluctant participant in the Empire's campaign of repression. He gives them a tale about how he served in the Clone Wars and protested against the treatment of the Jedi during Order 66. He alludes that the database aboard Station 509 contains the location of a secret Jedi prison.

He delivers the decryption algorithm for the database in exchange for freedom in exile. This is agreed too, after Lord Danderful verifies that the algorithm works.

The Bloody Wake and The Ming Meng exit hyperspace in Paranell's main orbit, and discover that the planet is now the site of a massive slave market. Because the planet is temperate and optimized for the raising of livestock, the scum of galaxy have decided to use it as a staging point for the storage and trade of sentient beings.

Akis receives a message from Lord Danderful, bidding them to land in the main city of Sydneyville. While exiting the flight terminal, Cresada encounters a slave trader and attempts to purchase some wookies, in order to free them. Unfortunately she discovers the slaves are very expensive, and is only able to free a single female, who is sent back to the Bloody Wake for extended medical treatment.

The Jedi meet up with Lord Danderful at the Mynock Tree restaurant, the most expensive establishment in the city. It resides at the top of the Sydneyville Tower, a massive 20 story tall skyscraper the overlooks the entire city. The restaurant is particularly popular with Rodian clientele. They bring along Terrence McFadden to seal the deal.

After a brief period of bargaining with Danderful, it is revealed that the meeting is a trap. Jiliac the Hutt appears, leaving a message that the Imperials have colluded with Alistair Jaxter, and traced their location by means of a homing beacon onboard the former pirate vessel, The Bloody Wake. He will profit from the Jedi's capture, using the many Rodian thugs he has planted in the restaurant.

Led by the Dark Jedi known only as Leatherface, the Imperials demand that the Jedi turn themselves over, along with Lt. McFadden. A battle ensues when the Jedi refuse. There is a massive exchange of crossfire as the Rodians and the Imperials attack the Jedi.

Fearing for his safety, Nik Var takes charge of Lt. McFadden and sends him diving for cover in the reflection pool. Akis, Raist and Kayleia fend off the Imperials while Cresada attempts blast a hole in the floor to the next level.

Realizing that fighting the combined Imperial and Hutt forces would be suicide, Nik Var completes what Cresada started. She telekinetically lifts up a bantha hide couch (along with Lord Danderful), and smashes it through to the lower level.

The Jedi land in a refresher room after crashing through the floor of the Mynock Tree, and attempt to make a hasty escape through what appears to be some kind of religious temple. They put up a barricade in the altar room as the Imperials follow in hot pursuit.

Cresada smashes a pew through one of the stained glass windows, and tosses a line down in an attempt to scale the side of the building. She and Nik Var slide down the rope and secure it, and use the Force to assist the others in coming down. They decide not to leave Danderful to his fate, despite feeling betrayed by him.

After making their way through a mid-sized paper company, the Jedi head for the garage where they steal an airspeeder truck and some swoops. The Imperials and Rodians follow on their own swoops, leading the Jedi in a hare-brained chase through the city skyways.

Using the Force, Kayleia smashes the Dark Jedi Leatherface into a fall, sending him falling to his demise. Meanwhile, she attempts to lose the remaining Imperial speeders by flying through a line of trucks carrying livestock, but only manages to cut a huge hole through the bottom of the speeder as she catches the top part of a bantha horn.

As the local police join the pursuit, Akis makes a desperate gamble by broadcasting an accusation of an attempted occupation by the Imperial forces. The ploy pays off as the independent-minded Paranellians decide to open fire on their pursuers, to 'shake off the yoke of Imperial oppression'.

Cresada quickly lands in the ensuing chaos, as armed citizenry begin to revolt against the local Imperial garrison.

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